I am a mathematician, working on questions in algebraic and arithmetic geometry.
My main interests are related to the theory of motives, motivic homotopy theory and singularity theory. I am particularly interested in:
- Motives of moduli spaces
- Motivic sheaves and the six-functor formalism
- Refined enumerative geometry
- Exponential motives.
- Singular learning theory in Bayesian statistics and applications to interpretability of machine learning models
Since January 2023, I am a post-doctoral researcher at Korteweg-de Vries Institute at the University of Amsterdam, in the research group of Lenny Taelman
Since January 2020, I have been a post-doctoral researcher at the Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). I am part of the Research group of Ben Moonen.
Till the end of 2019, I was working in the Arithmetic Geometry Research group of Hélène Esnault at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).